The snow is beginning to melt and the birds are singing. Spring is in the air. What’s interesting is that the conditions that have given rise to what we are noticing right now started last December 21st when the days starting getting longer. More and more solar radiation has been coming into the atmosphere since then. Now, we’re starting to feel the results of it.
It’s similar with our Dharma practice. We just keep at it. Sila (ethics), Samadhi (concentration), and Panna (wisdom). We sit every day and form the intention to be aware of our thoughts and actions. Sometimes it seems like not much is happening. It’s kind of like in mid January, when it doesn’t seem like the stronger sun is having any effect. But in time, it does. So, whenever you have the sense that your practice isn’t getting you anywhere, (after noting doubt in the mind), remember that just like with the sun, we often can tell how our efforts currently, or will, impact us. And like the sun continuing to shine, we just keep on with our practice and leave the results to their lawful nature.