Heart-full practice in the time of COVID-19
Chas has offered contemplation phrases to support cultivating the four brahma-viharas, or “divine abodes,” during this time of COVID-19. The four are interrelated states or qualities that are often translated as: Lovingkindness (metta), Compassion (karuna), Empathetic joy (mudita), and Equanimity (upekka). CLICK HERE to learn more.
It might be a bit jarring to consider beautiful mental states in the context of COVID-19. Yet, when we rest in a steady mind and open heart, we are genuinely able to support our own well-being and the well-being of others, even in difficult conditions.
There are many ways to work with the brahma-viharas contemplations. We can use the phrases as a focus point, just as we might anchor our attention on the breath, sound, or sensations. CLICK HERE for one set of instructions. Teacher Sharon Salzburg’s classic book Lovingkindness: The Revolutionary Art of Happiness is one good resource to explore these transformational practices.
METTA: Understanding that we are all in this together, may we wish for others what we would wish for ourselves: Safety, ease, and well-being.
KARUNA: For those who are, or will be suffering in body and mind, may we care about their suffering and hold them close to our hearts.
MUDITA: Staying connected to the joys and beauty that continue to unfold at this time, may our hearts be buoyed, and be close to all that we have to be grateful for.
UPEKKA: Knowing the truth of the way things are, may our hearts dwell in equanimity, and stay as open as possible as our lives, as this situation unfolds.
Thank you for your practice. May it be of benefit to all beings, especially those who are in need.